With photos from two years back, conservative tv-host Paolo Bediones,
as the image model of Carter underwear briefs, gears up for the
C Show, an underwear show at the Big Dome.
as the image model of Carter underwear briefs, gears up for the
C Show, an underwear show at the Big Dome.
J., I went to the gym early this morning and I don’t know if it’s a delight I did not catch a glimpse of your bulked-up sunny self. But just the same, I am truly enjoying early morning gym: the fresh towels, the less-smelly lockers, the absence of sleazeball cruisers in the showers, and the friendlier staff. And of course, the benefits of morning workouts! Early morning exertion through exercise is an optimum time to lose weight through means of cardio. Because we have no carbohydrates first thing in the morning, our bodies are forced to use fat stores for energy. Another advantage of early exercise is the ability to finish a workout prior to the possible complications of our day acting as an inhibitor. Exercising in the morning gets the blood flowing to your brain, circulating precious nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to your various organs. More oxygen to your brain gives you a mental boost, helping you to stay focused all day long. And I guess, J., I will be seeing you in the mornings at the gym , then. Without avoiding eye contact this time.
I know that you know that I know how you look, so you can deny it all ya want!