I recently came across this old [read: 5 years ago] photo of Aimann Manuel Perea aka Niko Arellano of the Men of Provoq, when he was 10lbs. heavier [hair included]. Niko is the tallest, funniest and well-liked member in his group. Plus he’s got a nice, lean and hairy bod, too. I was egging Lex Bonife [Parola, Antonio] to cast him, too, in one of his movies with Viva Digital. Lex was saying he is too tall, which makes it doubly difficult to find a partner for him. Any suggestions , guys?
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I have been trying to click on the links highlighted in blue but they only take me to the warning page and when I click on I agree blah blah, it wouldn’t take me in or lead me to the page… Something wrong? Or is the link gone?
i love niko. i really do and do him good.
How about Victor/Zaldy valerio or me? Hehehe
i like him better now–leaner and meaner. i think he’s underrated since much of the spotlight is on either johnron or harry.
why how tall is he?
how long is he also? 🙂
Of the provoq men, I like Niko the best. He just turns me on! His lean, sculpted physique, his manly face, the hairs trailing down his abs make him so much more of a man than either Harry or Johnron who look a bit boyish (gorgeous, yes, but boyish) for me. Plus he has eyes that convey his inner naughtiness and confidence. If he needs a partner, hold an open casting. I’ll gladly audition! I’m sure so will a lot of other gay men. Hahaha!
di ba may work na sya? med rep ata?
slept with him twice na and he is really hot…oh my hairy boy!!!! plus he is so sweet…i feel like i am his teddy bear…he loves to hug and hug…and i love to blow and blow….Love u Niko!