Guys, rather than going to the humdrum shows tomorrow, December 1, watch the Slimmers World Great Bodies 2007 finals, which will be held at the PICC Plenary Hall. The annual brawn contest of the famous gym, will feature lots of guys – with great bodies, of course. One of tis year’s contestants is Alfredo “Jun” Danganan, who is representing the Pasay Road branch of SWI. He is 25 years old, stands 5’10” and is from Taguig City, Metro Manila. To vote for Jun Danganan – who is smart and sensible [and looks way much better in person!], click on this link.
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he is actually #1 in present ranking, and with my vote, it reached >47.%
can you replace his pic here, rd? he may have better ones. (one contestant is 47 years old? that’s admirable.)
saw this in one of my multiply contact
he’s so gay! He works out in pasay rd. branch loud and screaming with other gym bunny friends. they are so annoying as if they own the place themselves…irked!
sorry guys, but Jun failed to get the title, he lost the title to both James Mark Banzon and Andrew Schimmer… sayang, ganda pa six packs niya
guys, do you know that “dangan” is “dangkal” in tagalog? isang dangkal kaya ang ano nijun? just curious to know. hehehe