Hot Men in the Philippines

A Very Tall Model

Twenty-year-old Arnold van Opstal was once called the Great Green Hope for the De La Salle University Green Archers. The 6’7″-tall varsity player is now the resident beanpole attraction of the team, with plus points for his good looks. Known more for his height rather than his basketball prowess, the gangly Dutch-German-Filipino hunk is getting visible on the glitzy side of showbiz and modeling these days.
Comments 62
  1. masarap kaya makatikim ng ganito kalaking lalaki…6′ 7″! wow grabe, magkakakalyo dila ko d2 sa pagpasada sa laki ng katawan! ang sarap siguro nito sa kama? whatchathink?

  2. he is way better than those brazilian rejects combined…fresh ,intelligent and classy…those brazilian rejects are cheap uneducated ho’s

  3. Kung varsity sya, malamang pahada din ito. Pero ang laki naman nyang mama. mahirap yata i-lick all over hahahaha

  4. to the one who posted this: “he is way better than those brazilian rejects combined…fresh ,intelligent and classy…those brazilian rejects are cheap uneducated ho’s” – what did the brazilian models do to you that it seems you hate them that much.. if you are a model too who lost a job because of them, you probably deserve losing that job dahil “beki” ka.. imagine you commenting here, no offense meant mr. blogger and am not being racist too, i will just state a point.. no straight guy will post a comment here kaya most likely, ikaw na galit sa brazilian models eh hindi straight kaya nawawalan ka ng work offers.. if modelo ka nga.. now if not naman, i am sure wala namang ginawang masama sayo mga brazilian model kaya they do not deserve your comment here, who are you to tell that they are uneducated and cheap? have you even checked their backgrounds? just because they do not speak straight english it does not mean that they are already dumb.. Pity you, at least they are trying to learn our language and can already speak it, eh ikaw marunong ka bang magbrazilian? Face the mirror first before you mock others.. Kawawa ka naman, bitter…

  5. parang may something wrong sa eyes nya lalo na sa 1st picture nya..mukha syang BANLAG lng po comment ko,,good day..

  6. Shet! type na type ko ito. Mala pandesal ang abs nito. Kakalurkei!

    May mala-Anthony Weiner shots siya minsan sa FB niya, malaki rin sandata. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  7. Yehey mabubuhay na naman ang basketball booking threads dito for sure. The last one regarding JR Cawaling was a success. But this one definitely has class. So mas konti ang claimants hehehe

  8. and to you MIGS, kung sino man yung nagsabi about Brazilian rejects…i think there’s nothing wrong with that…its not to be taken as something offensive lalo na kung hindi naman ikaw yung brazilian..(malamang pinoy ka coz sa lalim ng tagalog mo).. these brazilians shipped their way here in asia for a better career taking advantage of the transcultural age in modelling.. and there is nothing wrong with that.. safe to say, they are BRAZILIAN rejects in a sense na they would not make as much as they are doing here if they are there in their country..probaly baka di pa sila model dun… YUN LANG YUN!!! ang masahol is when is bashed on that guy na nagcomment na kesyo BADING kasi kaya nawalan ng project?? I beleive everyone here except you would agree with me when I say, ke bading ka or straight.. isa kang lalaki sa paningin ng tao and just the same, when it comes to modeling. yun lang

  9. ay nako.. anggulo anggulo lang yan… pero in person you would still think twice ..someone ho’s as tall as 6.2 would look quite awkward.. gigantism malamang malaki noo nito or anything that wud manifest yung pagka higante nya which is not normal…just look at chris humphries.. i man, he is humpable pero letsface it..tama si khloe(which is isa rin higanteng amasona).. mukha syang frankenstein!!!

  10. Anonymous said…
    Truelavey na na supsop na itey ni Jun Lalin na tabachiney?

    Thursday, January 05, 2012

    tanong natin kay quitz. wahahahahaha

  11. Exactly. Migz, to say that gay people shouldn’t be modeling because they’re gay is the DUMBEST thing I’ve read all day. Grabe ang self-hatred mo. Pang parlor lang ba tayo? You’re not being racist, but you are HOMOPHOBIC. How sad, because you’re GAY, like the rest of us.

  12. hay dapat lang malaki ang titi nito no… how sad naman to think na for his height e binigyan lang sya ng 4 in cock… ahahhaahha sobrang nde proportional.

  13. to the one who commented on my comment, point well taken but perhaps you have to read the entire comment to which I reacted to.. Another thing, the tagalog words I used are not deep, I don’t know how you define “malalim”.. btw, just like what i said in my comment and with all due respect, i am not a racist, i just drove a point.. and it is very unfair for those brazilians to be branded as rejects and uneducated especially if they did nothing against you or anyone.. they came here for work and they were embraced/welcomed and are still being embraced by our society and the business so why should they be branded as such? Just because they don’t read the threads here (perhaps), we can already call them names? Isn’t that unwise? Maligning them is not the proper way to treat them.. These brazilians have been good to the business, the reason why bench, penshoppe, folded and hung, etc, etc hire them..

  14. ang kulit, hindi siya 8-inch, 9 inch ang size niya. Sorry for the others na kailangan pa talagang offer-an ng money si AVO for him to fuck him.

  15. In reaction to an earlier comment stating that the Brazilians are “rejects” because they couldn’t get modelling jobs in Brazil, following that line of logic, fair to say that most Pinoy OFWs are “rejects”, right? A little bit more sensitivity here wouldn’t hurt. I’m just sayin’.

  16. bwahahah…its true though….and please i have been to brazil 3 times and have been to rio de janeiro,sao paola and porto alegre and i know those brapanese dumbos will never make it in brazil thats why they come to asia because they are rejects plain and simple, the lowest level of the pile………..and talk about being biased and double standard…u guys call the half filipinos as such why jot call those foreigners such? its wrong to call them rejects coz they dont have filipino blood in them…thats what u call colonial mentality and that utak talangka in its purest form where u love other races than ur own………oh well pinoys nga naman……

  17. and if ur asking if i am gay…yes i am gay and a proud filipino gay who would rather give jobs to my fellow filipnos pure or half than giving them to these brazilian dumb rejects who do not do anything or contribute anything to society but waste and airheads

  18. and its true..brazilians are cheap…they are the easiest ones to get……if u know what i mean……………i have so many times and way hotter and i didnt have to pay a dime to do it………..sorry about it…..bwahahhaha

  19. and have these brazilians contributed anythigng to our econmy other than taling away jobs that were for our countrymen? no…..the half pinoys promote the philippines to their friends while these brazilians do nothing for our country…….they are pure dumb rejects with nothing in between their ears…but foul air…bwahaha

  20. pwede ba, if you are lamenting/commenting about brazelian models. pls. do not post here. this posts is for AVO. not for anyone who are brapanese. why not write on their assigned post??/ nkakagulo,,

  21. Mga ilusyonada nanaman kayo, mayaman siya, and never siya magpapahada kahit million pa ibigay mo sa kanya. Super straight siya! kahit lasingin niyo hindi pa din. -whore archer.

  22. AVO! haha kBBM ko nga lang mnsan lang sumagot..kung nkita nio lang ung dp nya sa bbm nko maglalaway kayo as in…pero my gf nyan sayaaaang! 🙁 d bale nakita ko nman ung well sculpted body nya haha…nga pla hnd na sya active sa bbm soo sad 🙁

  23. nako nagmomodelling na ba? ibook na itech ASAP dahil ang current asking price nyan ay 40K baka maging doble na ang TF kalerqui!

  24. bet ko to nung una kong nasight, pero upon closer inspection daming defects. banlag, malaki gap between the eyes… tama ang friend kong doktor, mukhang may genetic defect tong si van opstal kaya sobrang tangkad when you consider all his other deformities. baka dalawa pa butas ng nota nito noh kashokot.

  25. he has one official fb account. i saw his pics. delight. he is nice in posting nasty pics. he even had a profile pictures in briefs and boxers. this young player is no sensitive if what he wears on the street in his hometown (germany) all the time.. i think he is hot, but not into real sexual acts. parang may breeding kc ito. high class kung baga. mabarkada pero di ko lang alam kung papatol to.. i definitely think he is a tripper!

  26. In lieu of the person, providing feedback tantamount to racism per se. I apologize.

    Though claiming to be of rich origins, implied through references at visiting foreign countries. It is without a doubt, that calling them the lowest of the pile. Warrants not respect but disdain for manners so poorly taught that squatters would blush. It surprises me that someone who is supposedly rich would be so high heeled in ‘its’ manners, so as to speak ill of foreigners who are no more than the equivalent of our workers also taking the opportunity to do what they can abroad. Its just that these ‘rejects’ you so aptly named are in line with modelling. Our ‘modern day heroes’ are usually blue collars. So whats the difference? both are taking advantage of the opportunities which the locals would have taken. Had it not been for their qualification in that certain field.

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